Monday, September 04, 2006

Out of control

My life feels so out of control. Even something as simple as trying to figure out where and how to keep a journal is overwhelming me. I can keep it at this forum; I can keep it at that forum; I can do it in this blog; I can keep a hard-copy; I can send emails to myself. WTF. Why are simple things like this so difficult? Simple and difficult shouldn't go together.

Plus, I think I'm spending too much time on the computer. This weekend alone it's been hours. I should be doing something useful with my life. Damn it, with the education I've had, I'm wasting the most productive years of my life.

And the thing that sucks the most is that I have no community to support me, probably because I spend so much f*cking time on the computer. I don't even have an ED forum that feels like "home." I used to love RGP, those days are over. I post regularly at six forums, but still, none of them feel ok. I just need to suck it up and stop visiting some of them... put down roots at one. I don't know.

My brain is just swimming. Plus, the days are getting shorter, and I can already begin to feel my moods shifting within me.

Oh, and Blogger is being a bitch, which means that I can't upload photos. I'll edit this post later. The feature of the day is Anastassia Khozzisova.

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